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Frequently asked questions about Deko slicing machines.

1. Where can I purchase a Deko slicing machine?
You can easily order a Deko through our distributors. Send a message to: info@dekoholland.com.
The nearest distributor will contact you within three working days.

2. Can I also order parts?
Certainly, our distributors will be more than happy to supply parts. Send a message to: info@dekoholland.com. The nearest distributor will contact you within three working days.

3. Which quality standards do Deko machines meet?
All Deko machines meet EC health and safety rules and different ISO standards. Each machine is also provided with the CE mark.

4. Are the 800 and 834 Deko machines the same as the 800 and 834 Berkel machines?
Yes. The Deko and Berkel machines are exactly the same. Both brands are produced by us.
The Berkel machines, however, are distributed by the company entitled to use the Berkel brand name.

5. Will Deko Holland continue to produce machines under the Berkel name?
No. All our machines will have the Deko logo as from 1 October 2007.

6. Which criteria must I meet as a Deko distributor?
A high-quality machine as a Deko demands excellent services. The requirements of the market in the relevant region will apply as the basic principle.

7. How can I become a Deko distributor?
If you believe you are Deko worthy, contact Deko Holland,
telephone: +31 (0)26 384 9084. Please ask for Hans Jansen.